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is the hn2 playtest and the hn2 beta the same game?

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Forget everything i wrote here before.

Yes they are the same... When you buy the Deluxe Edition of Hello Neighbor 2 on Steam you get the Beta on Top of it, it is called HN2 playtest there... So stupid... HN2 playtest IS THE Hello Neighbor 2 Beta!!!

Got confused before, because a Fan Game used the exact same Name... My bad!!!

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are you going to add hello neighbor 3 prototype 2 and the other versions of hello neighbor 3  when it comes and not just have a outdated page

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Should be obvious. This page right here is called the "ULTIMATE ALPHA COLLECTION" for a Reason. When I can find one I will even add Hello Neighbor BETA 1.1 here, because this fixes a lot of Bugs from the Version I uploaded here already.


Hello, good afternoon or evening. I would like to inform you about the beta version of Hello Neighbor 2. Today I came across your page and I think the preservation you have here is great. I see that you are missing a beta version and that is why I am here to offer it to you. I would write to you by email but I preferred to talk here. Thank you for reading and I will wait patiently for your response to send you the file. Have a nice day. :)


A Link to whatever Source you have is good enough... Thanks.

I know about the Beta of Hello Neighbor 2, wanted to wait and  upload alongside the first Prototype of HN3, need to make sure it has no DRM first.


I'll send you an email

how do I run the bendymod files?

Download both Files Hello Neighbor Bendymod.7z.001 and Hello Neighbor Bendymod.7z.002 (they are linked together)

Than make sure both are at the same Location and unpack with a Software like 7zip.

If you have no Clue what I am talking about watch my Tutorial Video:

do you know if Hello Guest Alpha 1 and the Hello Guest Pre-Alpha are the same game?

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Okay I know this is confusing so:

Hello Guest Prototype came first than the Hello Guest alpha 1 Hello neighbor 2 pre Alpha comes after it. 

Was first called Hello Guest alpha 1 but than renamed  to Hello Guest alpha 1 Hello neighbor 2 pre alpha, dumb Name if you ask me and confusing...

Hello Guest pre Alpha is according to Wiki a Trailer Build  of Hello Guest Alpha 1, I am pretty sure you see this Build in the Announcement Trailer:

probably another Namechange,  can happen a lot during Development. Alpha 1 seems to be more polished  than Trailer version but Content appears to be the same.

Is Unreleased so you should look for Fanremakes instead.

Okay good to know. Thanks

Can you find the Hello Neighbor 2 Beta and the Pre-Release of Hello Neighbor 1?

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Pre Release is not allowed here, is the Final Game kind of, this will get taken down. Hello Neighbor 2 Beta... I might upload this here in the Future....

Sorry Keeping Track of all the Alphas and Betas is confusing...